Other Tips & Design Ideas

How to Cover Garage Door Windows?

Written by

Rosanne Jones

Writer, Designer


Steven D. Carrico


how to cover garage door windows

There’s no denying that garage windows are an excellent way to bring natural light and fresh air into the enclosure. However, for people who like hanging out in their garages, exposed windows can pose a privacy risk and reduce energy efficiency.

In this article on how to cover garage door windows, we’ll explore the numerous ways to tackle the issues mentioned above. From getting permanent garage window treatments to installing blinds, you can easily improve your space’s privacy and insulation without breaking the bank.

Ways to Cover Door Window in the Garage

1. DIY solutions

</p> <p><strong>Solutions 1: Wax or rice paper</strong></p> <p>


One quick and affordable way is to use wax/rice paper as a privacy film. This approach still lets light into the room; plus, it’s highly likely that you have either of these two paper types in your home.

To try out these ideas for window privacy, here’s what you need to do:

  • Cut the paper based on the dimensions of your garage door windows.
  • Adhere the cut-out pieces of paper to the glass using tape or a layer of cornstarch. If you like to be able to lift the paper up to peek outside, be sure to only stick to the topmost part.

In addition, there are premade rice-paper garage window covers that you can find online or at retailers. With these window cover inserts, you just need to cut the privacy films to size and stick them on the glass according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

</p> <p><strong>Solutions 2: Tinted film</strong></p> <p>


For an option that can improve both your privacy and energy efficiency, look no further than UV window films. Like wax or rice paper, tinted films will let sunlight flood your garage. However, they also have the added benefit of keeping harmful UV rays out.

As tinted films are pretty popular, you can reliably find them in varying degrees of opacity and design patterns.

Installing pre-cut garage window tint is as easy as it gets; however, there are a few tips you should keep in mind to ensure the best results:

  • Clean the windows with baby shampoo and a squeegee. The glass must be spotlessly clean; otherwise, there’ll be lumps in the films afterwards.
  • Cut two pieces of tape and stick them on opposite sides of the film’s corner. Gently pull the tapes apart to peel the film off the backing sheet.
  • Spray the entire window and your hands as well to avoid leaving fingerprints.
  • Hold the tinted film so that its adhesive backing faces the glass, then stick it to the window.
  • Spray the film again, then use the squeegee to push any remaining air and water off the surface.
</p> <p><strong>Solutions 3: Frosted Glass Spray</strong></p> <p>


Glass sprays provide an easy solution for those who want to frost garage door windows by themselves. Frost tinted glass, which is preferred due to its semi-transparency and elegant aesthetic.

To try out privacy ideas using frosted glass spray, here’s what you need to do:

  • Cover any area you want to leave untouched, such as the window frame, with painter’s tape.
  • Shake the spray can for 2 minutes, then spray a scrap piece of paper or cardboard.
  • Lightly spray the desired area—be sure to keep the can 12 inches from the glass.
  • Apply the second and third layers, and wait 10 minutes between each coating.
  • Finish the project by spraying acrylic sealer onto the dried final coating.
  • Remove the painter’s tape.

One issue with frosted glass sprays is that they’re usually not permanent. Constant exposure to water, for example, can damage the frosted layer. That aside, after a while, the paint can crack or chip, thus requiring reapplication.

2. Professional solutions

</p> <p><strong>Solutions 1: Shutters</strong></p> <p>


For more long-lasting window shades, consider installing shutters, which can be placed either outside or inside the garage. As one of the best privacy ideas, shutters can keep the interior of your home away from prying eyes.

Below are some ideal options for garages:

  • Traditional: durable, usually fixed in place, and doesn’t let sunlight in
  • Plantation: best for interior installation and allows light to get in. You can close some or all of the slats.
  • Louvered: best for interior installation and features adjustable slats.

In any case, you can hire a shutter installation service, such as one from Lowe’s, to get the job done.

</p> <p><strong>Solutions 2: Curtains or shades</strong></p> <p>


People who like a sophisticated look should consider getting curtains for garage door windows. The best thing about this idea is that you can find ready-made products for garages almost everywhere, such as Target, Walmart, etc.

To keep drafts from messing with the curtains, you can insert some magnetic weight in their hems (should they arrive without one). Or, you can just require the installation service to use curtains with weighted hems instead.

Alternatively, you can consider installing shades. Solar shades, for instance, have excellent UV protection, whereas blackout shades can be operated via remote controls.

</p> <p><strong>Solutions 3: Blinds</strong></p> <p>


Getting garage window blinds is an affordable, pleasant-looking, and energy-efficient option.

Tips to Choose the Right Window Coverings Method


Not sure which window treatment option to choose? Here are a few considerations worth noting:

  • How much light do you want to let into the garage: If you prefer keeping the place bright, choose frosted glass spray. Otherwise, consider getting tinted film, curtains, or blackout shades.
  • The desired level of privacy: to shield your garage from outsiders as much as possible, shutters and blinds are preferable.
  • Your garage’s overall style and aesthetic: Match the selected option.
  • Energy efficiency: the ideal choices are insulated curtains, solar blinds, shutters, and honeycomb blinds.
  • How much maintenance each option requires.


How do I maintain my garage door window covers?

The maintenance method will vary depending on what cover you choose. However, there are a few rules of thumb:

  • If possible, clean the window covers regularly, or at least once a year.
  • Occasionally examine the cover for damage.
  • Make sure you install or use the cover properly. To name an example, metal shutters can only be used outside.
  • If using blinds or shades, let them furl completely.
  • Should your window covers have metal components (as is the case for shutters), apply silicone lubricant twice a year.

Can covering garage door windows improve my home’s energy efficiency?

It’ll depend on what option you pick, but yes, window covers can reduce your energy bills. If installed properly, they can improve 10-20% of your home’s energy efficiency.

How much does it cost to cover garage door windows?

Again, the price depends on your selected window cover and the size of the project. Below are some estimates:

  • 75-square-foot roll of wax paper: $3.29
  • A 17.5” x 78.7” tinted film:  $9.99
  • A can of 11-oz Rust-Oleum: $6.98.
  • Shutter: $45 to $420 per shutter
  • Curtains: $15-$50 per window
  • Blinds: $11.9 per blind.
  • Price range tinted film is between $5 to $13 depending on material


Overall, if you like fresh air in your garage and improved curb appeal without sacrificing your privacy, there are several solutions for you to consider. Alternatively, an option you can use instead of glass garage window is tinted polycarb sheets.

Let us know if you have any questions regarding how to cover garage door windows, and good luck with your projects, no matter what type of garage door window covers you select. Cheers!

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